We Invite You To the Wedding Of
Join us in celebrating our union
Bapak Ir. H. Hernandis Saus
Ibu Dra. Hj. Nefo Luhur Dradjati
Bapak Kamal Singarimbun S.E.
Ibu (Almh.) Ir. Mia Dahlia Yahya
The best things come when you least expect iT and you will never
know until it happens to you.
We met in March 2021. Bored of quarantine, we take a liking to talking and chatting
on the phone with each other. A month full of fun, laughter and meaningful conversations
through the phone continued to movie dates, carpool karaoke and trying out new food places.
We discovered the best and worse of each other, learned to be a better person for one another and
through the journey, realized we will not be whole without the other.
Slightly a year after we started this relationship, we are finally here to embark on this
lifetime IBADA together and lifelong commitment to each other. Through thick and thin,
joy and sorrow, we promise to be there for each other until death do us part.
Jika Anda Akan Hadir pada Venue, Harap Lakukan Reservasi Pada Form Di Bawah Ini
Sedang Memuat Komentar..
Dalam keterbatasan di kondisi pandemi saat ini, kami memohon maaf tidak dapat mengundang secara langsung Bapak/ibu/Saudara/i sekalian ke acara pernikahan kami. Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, Izinkan kami mengharapkan kehadiran Bapak/lbu/Saudara/i secara virtual serta memberikan doa restu kepada kami.
Terima kasih
14.00 - Akad nikah
Please watch the ceremony through the Youtube Live link above
Thank you for joining our ceremony